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Berthoud wedding plannebjhjhr A little bird told me you'd like some help planning your event.....



Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Angry Birds Birthday Party

{Real Parties}

Here are some photos that I have gathered from my son's last birthday party.  Angry Birds was just becoming popular, really, it was near impossible to find supplies even though now they are all over the place.  So I ended up DIYing a lot of the party.  I think that he had fun though!

The first thing that we did when the kids got there was an egg hunt in the backyard (our party coincidentally fell on the weekend before Easter, score!)  Some of the gold eggs had score slips in them with either 1, 2 or 3 gold sticker stars, or 5,000, 10,000 or 50,000 points.  Every child was only allowed to "find" one golden egg and when they opened it up, their "score" on the slip of paper corresponded with our High Scores chart listing the different prizes given for each high score.
Rovio's website was one of the first places to sell their trademark supplies, so I was able to purchase these stuffed animals as a birthday gift/to use as slingshot ammo.  I found water balloon sling shots at the Dollar Store. 
The kids had so much fun trying to knock down the evil pigs and each one won a gold medal.
After the games, the kids each decorated their own bird house.
Little Plastic Man has instructions on how to make these paper box angry birds that I used as table centerpieces.
Treats included "Dirt cups with worms," "bird's nests" and mini cupcakes topped with chocolate Robin's Eggs.  Also, as an ode to my middle-eastern roots, I had my mom make some "grass" (taboulleh.)
I found Anrgy Birds Silly Bandz on Amazon, a variety of bottle cap necklaces from Custom Caps for You and these buttons on to put in the favor bags.

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